
Private Sub CmdExecute_Click()

    On Error GoTo Err_Handle

    '-------------------   Excel起動     ----------
    Call ExcelInit
    Dim ExBk As Workbook:               Dim ExSt As Worksheet
    Set ExBk = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook: Set ExSt = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet
    '-------------------   文字列を取得     ----------
    Dim strAddStr As String
    strAddStr = frmEditSpName.TxtString.Text
    If strAddStr = "" Then
        MsgBox "文字列が空", vbCritical + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, Me.Caption
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '-------------------   セル文字列を取得     ----------
    Dim i As Long: Dim j As Long: Dim k As Long
    Dim strBuff As String
    Dim strArray() As String
    Dim lngRow As Long
    strBuff = ExcelApp.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    strArray = Split(strBuff, ",")
    ReDim strCell(ExcelApp.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Count) As String

    k = 0
    For i = 0 To UBound(strArray)
        'Error Processing
        If ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Columns.Count <> 1 Or ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Column <> 3 Then
            MsgBox "打点名の列を以外を指定", vbCritical + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, Me.Caption
            Exit Sub
        End If
        lngRow = ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Row
        For j = 0 To ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Rows.Count - 1
            strCell(k) = ExSt.Cells(lngRow + j, 3).Value
            'Debug.Print strCell(k)
            k = k + 1
        Next j
    Next i
    '-------------------   選択したC列のセルに入力     ----------
    k = 0
    For i = 0 To UBound(strArray)
        lngRow = ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Row
        For j = 0 To ExSt.Range(strArray(i)).Rows.Count - 1
            ExSt.Cells(lngRow + j, 3).Value = strCell(k) + strAddStr
            'Debug.Print strCell(k)
            k = k + 1
        Next j
    Next i
    MsgBox "終了", vbInformation + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, Me.Caption
    Set ExcelApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    Set ExcelApp = Nothing
    MsgBox Err.Source & vbCr & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Sub


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