Graduation Diary

I write Graduation diary to save record.
especially, explain contents of paper and book
I'm sorry for unskillful English.


KeyWord Extraction from a Document using Word Copoccurrence Statiistical Information
Learning of Alignment Rules between Concept Hierarchie
A method of Discovery od Shared Topic Networks among People from WWW Bookmarks and Its Evaluations
A Method of Representing a Multi-dimensional pace for Word Concept
A Classifler a a a

visited html today

P2P this page have "doc of P2P Initation" and "Indtordue P2P"
Objet Club object-orientation's comminity page
JUDE this page have JUDE software. this software descripe UML structure
JDK1.3DOC JDBC (japan) JDBC 's page offered by SUN.
JDBC tutorial page offered by SUN. (English)

Today Try Programming

reference html

Start JDBC

referHello World at JAVA
import java.sql.*;

public class HelloWorldJDBCMySQL {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      Class.forName(""); // MySQLの場合
      String url = "jdbc:mysql:///test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=SJIS";
      Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      String sql = "DESCRIBE pet";
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);


    } catch (Exception e) {
url is that crete admin
and read table (*attention:had created table before this execute JAVA )

CREATE TABLE "name" (,,,); :reate table
INSERT INTO "TableName" : input data to TABLE;

Today's Word

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