gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o blocklist.o blocklist.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o displaylist.o displaylist.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o fill.o fill.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o font_util.o font_util.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o ming.o ming.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o movie.o movie.c
movie.c: In function `SWFMovie_toOutput':
movie.c:522: warning: 'tempbuffer' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o movieclip.o movieclip.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o position.o position.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o shape_cubic.o shape_cubic.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o shape_util.o shape_util.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.      -c -o text_util.o text_util.c
cd blocks && make
make[1]: Entering directory `/c/ming-0.3beta1/src/blocks'
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o action.o action.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o bitmap.o bitmap.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o block.o block.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o browserfont.o browserfont.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o button.o button.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o character.o character.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o cxform.o cxform.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o dbl.o dbl.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o error.o error.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o fillstyle.o fillstyle.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o font.o font.c
font.c: In function `SWFFont_getShape':
font.c:1209: warning: 'x' might be used uninitialized in this function
font.c:1209: warning: 'y' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o fontinfo.o fontinfo.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o gradient.o gradient.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o imports.o imports.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o input.o input.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o jpeg.o jpeg.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o linestyle.o linestyle.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o matrix.o matrix.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o method.o method.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o morph.o morph.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o mp3.o mp3.c
mp3.c: In function `nextMP3Frame':
mp3.c:82: warning: 'bitrate' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o output.o output.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o outputblock.o outputblock.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o placeobject.o placeobject.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o rect.o rect.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o shape.o shape.c
shape.c: In function `SWFShape_drawScaledGlyph':
shape.c:810: warning: 'x' might be used uninitialized in this function
shape.c:810: warning: 'y' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o sound.o sound.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o soundinstance.o soundinstance.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o soundstream.o soundstream.c
soundstream.c: In function `SWFSoundStream_getStreamHead':
soundstream.c:206: warning: 'rate' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o sprite.o sprite.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o text.o text.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o textfield.o textfield.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o utf8.o utf8.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o videostream.o videostream.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o pngdbl.o pngdbl.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/ming-0.3beta1/src/blocks'
cd actioncompiler && make
make[1]: Entering directory `/c/ming-0.3beta1/src/actioncompiler'
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o compile.o compile.c
compile.c: In function `bufferCheckSize':
compile.c:199: warning: 'pushd' might be used uninitialized in this function
compile.c: In function `bufferWriteDataAndPush':
compile.c:243: warning: 'pushd' might be used uninitialized in this function
compile.c: In function `bufferConcat':
compile.c:277: warning: 'len' might be used uninitialized in this function
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o listaction.o listaction.c
bison --defines  -p swf4 swf4compiler.y
swf4compiler.y: conflicts: 49 shift/reduce, 42 reduce/reduce
swf4compiler.y:176.25-38: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: stat
ements: /* empty */
swf4compiler.y:669.11-673.29: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts:
rhs_expr: '-' NUMBER
path: c:/progra~1/Bison/share/bison
relocated_path: c:/MinGW/share/bison
orig_prefix: c:/progra~1/Bison
curr_prefix: c:/MinGW
longpath: c:/MinGW/share/bison
len: 21
res: 20
shortpath: c:/MinGW/share/bison
relocated_short_path: c:/MinGW/share/bison
pkgdatadir: c:/MinGW/share/bison
flex  -i -Pswf4 swf4compiler.flex
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o lex.swf4.o lex.swf4.c
bison --defines  -p swf5 swf5compiler.y
swf5compiler.y: conflicts: 28 shift/reduce, 172 reduce/reduce
swf5compiler.y:1230.11-23: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: pri
mary: function_call
swf5compiler.y:1234.11-21: warning: rule never reduced because of conflicts: pri
mary: method_call
path: c:/progra~1/Bison/share/bison
relocated_path: c:/MinGW/share/bison
orig_prefix: c:/progra~1/Bison
curr_prefix: c:/MinGW
longpath: c:/MinGW/share/bison
len: 21
res: 20
shortpath: c:/MinGW/share/bison
relocated_short_path: c:/MinGW/share/bison
pkgdatadir: c:/MinGW/share/bison
flex  -i -Pswf5 swf5compiler.flex
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o lex.swf5.o lex.swf5.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o swf5compiler.tab.o swf5compiler.tab.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o swf4compiler.tab.o swf4compiler.tab.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o assembler.o assembler.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -I. -I..    -c -o compileaction.o compileaction.c
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/ming-0.3beta1/src/actioncompiler'
gcc -O2 -Wall -I.   blocklist.o displaylist.o fill.o font_util.o ming.o movie.o
movieclip.o position.o shape_cubic.o shape_util.o text_util.o actioncompiler/com
pile.o actioncompiler/swf4compiler.tab.o actioncompiler/lex.swf4.o actioncompile
r/swf5compiler.tab.o actioncompiler/lex.swf5.o actioncompiler/compileaction.o ac
tioncompiler/assembler.o -lm -lz  -lz -lpng12 blocks/*.o -shared -o libming.so
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x57):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_check_sig'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x7b):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_create_read_st
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x98):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_read_fn'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x146):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_create_info_s
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x164):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x17c):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_create_info_s
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x1bd):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_sig_bytes
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x1cf):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_read_info'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x207):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_IHDR'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x238):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_valid'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x270):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_read_update_i
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x2aa):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_IHDR'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x2cd):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_channels'

blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x301):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_rowbytes'

blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x341):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_read_image'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x470):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_destroy_read_
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x5ae):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_expand'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x5be):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_packing'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x620):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_filler'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x645):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_get_PLTE'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x655):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_gray_to_r
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x665):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_set_strip_16'

blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x6dd):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_check_sig'
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x6ff):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_create_read_s
blocks/pngdbl.o(.text+0x714):pngdbl.c: undefined reference to `png_init_io'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [dynamic] Error 1

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