Because of the defeat of Nippon,
The eldest son of my foster parents had much damage in his mind.
It's over 50 years ago.

On the other hand, this is of today,
Because of the exhaust of cars,
My mind got out of tune!

Do you know Kawasaki?
I've been in this city since my birth.
Don't you think we had better make my town gated?

In every one hour, over 60 cars will come and go by my window.
Every time the sound of a motor comes into my ears,
I have to shut a window in green grief.


I can't help my brain getting poor and poor!
Though I qualified as a fanatical member of an epoch-making brain trust!

I'll go to sleep now.
Please groan all the motors down on my behalf in your favorite way.

Comments of readers

“Good poem. Sorry about the pollution. from trees no sweet air exhaust making exhaustion cells buzzing like flys exhaust exhaustion air poisonous pollution there seems no escape”
--Deborah Russell


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