Player's Manual

Hello and welcome to "Niji no Mannaka" !
I'm Lajos Jancsi(Pronounced: LOI-os YAWN-chee), a Japanese living in Japan.
This site is dedicated to my favorites: Luigi, Daisy, and the seven Koopalings. Have fun!

Origin of this site's name
The Japanese ver. and the English ver.
Link my site?
No reproduction or republication without written permission.
About me

* Origin of this site's name

"Niji no Mannaka" means "the middle of a rainbow". Why does this site have such a name? Because...
I like Luigi very much.

Luigi wears a green cap.

Speaking of green, a rainbow has seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

* The Japanese ver. and the English ver.

This site has Japanese pages and English pages. But both contents are not the same at all.
First, my English is weak. Second, some things are different by the Japanese version and others. For example, Mario's archenemy is known as Bowser or King Bowser Koopa, but in Japanese, he is called Koopa or Daimaou Koopa.

* Link my site?

Feel free to link to "Niji no Mannaka". I would appreciate if you could notify me by Email.
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* No reproduction or republication without written permission

Don't use any fanarts on my site without permission. At least, I hope you e-mail in English me before you post it. If your page is an individual free fan page, I will permit using my fanart in many cases. I think that the person of the foreign countries likes my picture joyfully.


* About me

I named myself combining favorite Hungarian names, but I don't know whether my screen name is appropriate.
I live in
Okayama Prefecture where peach and mushroom-growing district.
I love Luigi, but my favorite colors are black, red and silver.

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